Jason Karamchandani, MD, an Associate Professor in McGill’s Departments of Pathology as well as Neurology & Neuroscience, is a practicing clinical neuropathologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute (the Neuro). Since 2016 he has served as the Scientific Director of The Neuro’s C-BIG Repository, which is the world’s first Open Science combined patient registry and biorepository. This platform has partnered with more than 3500 patients spanning multiple neurological conditions, and the repository collects a wide range of patient bio-specimens, longitudinal clinical information, imaging, and genetic data. The Open and Registered database was launched in summer 2021 and currently has hundreds of users from more than 10 countries. C-BIG has now participated in more than 85 Open Science collaborations with both academic and industry partners. This platform is expanding and improving thanks to a $5.9 million dollar contribution from Brain Canada, awarded in 2023.

Dr. Karamchandani served as McGill’s program director for anatomic pathology from 2015-2020 and has served on the Diagnostic and Molecular Pathology Royal College Specialty Committee since 2015. Dr. Karamchandani is currently the incoming president of the Canadian Association of Pathologists. He earned his AB Honours degree in biochemistry cum laude (2002) from Harvard University. In 2006, he received his MD from Stanford University School of Medicine, where he was class valedictorian. At Stanford, he pursued residency training in anatomic pathology, as well as fellowship training in surgical pathology and neuropathology. Dr. Karamchandani started his faculty career at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto as a staff pathologist, and as an assistant professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Karamchandani’s clinical research focuses on pathologies of the central nervous system and neuromuscular diseases. Dr. Karamchandani has authored / co-authored 85 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (including several as senior author), as well as 5 book chapters.



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